Direct exec

This tool allows you to run most WIMS-interfaced software or computer languages directly online. Just type in your code and get the result! Click here for software documentation.

WIMS developers can also use this as a testing tool, to check the behavior of various software under WIMS.

For security reasons, code length is limited to 16K, and access to system resources is strictly controled. Note also that some software may be missing on a given server. Please check with the webmaster.

: Clean up Help

This page is not in its usual appearance because WIMS is unable to recognize your web browser.

In order to access WIMS services, you need a browser supporting forms. In order to test the browser you are using, please type the word wims here: and press ``Enter''.

Please take note that WIMS pages are interactively generated; they are not ordinary HTML files. They must be used interactively ONLINE. It is useless for you to gather them through a robot program.

Description: direct access to most computing and graphing tools interfaced by WIMS. interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games

Keywords: interactive mathematics, interactive math, server side interactivity, mathematics, chemistry, outil,software, language, pari, gp, maxima, octave, macaulay, yacas, gap, scilab, c, perl, sh, python, pascal, fortran,jmol, jsgraph, canvasdraw,graphviz