Matrix dialog
--- Introduction ---
In an exercise of dialog, the computer presents a problem, and it is up to you
to ask it questions which would help you selve this problem. You can solve
problem once you have gathered enough information. But you will be punished
if you ask more questions than absolutely necessary!
In this module, you have 3 dialog exercises on matrices.
Choose one or more exercises from the list and
specify the settings (simplified or expert menu). Then
click Start.
The exercises will be randomly selected from your selection
(or otherwise from among all the available exercises if you didn't select any).
Other exercises on:
linear algebra
The most recent version
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Description: ask questions to get information in order to solve problems on matrices. interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games
Keywords: interactive mathematics, interactive math, server side interactivity, algebra, linear algebra, linear system, matrix, rank, determinant, trace