OEF Linear systems
--- Introduction ---
This module contains actually 23 exercises on systems of linear
3 bottles
- cl A B, B A.
- cl B C, C B.
- cl C A, A C.
Equal distances
: -
= (,).
= (,).
Intersection of lines
Four integers II
Four integers III
Four integers
: ?
Vertices of triangle
: ?
Three integers
: ?
( , , ) . , ?
3 ages
. ?
Alloy 3 metals
Almost diagonal
Center of circle
Equation of circle
Homogeneous 2x3
Homogeneous 3x4
: ?
Six integers
3 solutions
, , ?
Solve 2x2
Solve 3x3
Triangular system
Type of solutions
. ?
Other exercises on:
linear systems
linear algebra
The most recent version
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Description: collection of exercises on linear systems. interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games
Keywords: interactive mathematics, interactive math, server side interactivity, algebra, linear_algebra, mathematics, linear_system,modelling